Saturday, May 16, 2015

Just hold on...

        Just hold on...

In moving on...
In letting go...
In trying to be strong...
In surviving the pain...
In comforting your heart...
In wiping out your tears...
Just hold on...
trusting God
that in His time 
He will make all things 

Friday, May 15, 2015

In the land of the living...


Oh God...
Please feel my grief 
      and heal my pain
You know my heart 
      is dying within
The sadness is consuming
      it is overwhelming
You know I'm tired
      you know the weight
that I've been bearing...
      I pray...
Please touch my heart
      please bless my soul 
with your peace and grace 
      in the land 
      of the living
Please allow me to live 
      a life that is 
      truly breathing
In hopelessness 
      please grant me hope
I pray Oh Lord...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Please send your grace...

Father God
where is your grace?
for until now 
I am drowning in misery
and tears...
where now is your grace?
To heal my so worn heart
from all the wounds and hurts...
you know 
I am constantly waiting...
Please send now 
your healing grace...

Monday, May 11, 2015

As another day comes...

In tears 
and in deep pain
you know oh Lord
I am trusting in your will
Though the sadness is never leaving
Though the pain is never ever ending
Upon waking up in every morning 
My Lord I will call to you again
to sustain me with your grace 
as another day comes 
and roll again 
and again

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cruel Me...

I stabbed my heart
Oh Lord you know the depth
you know the pain 
you know the agony
I could not pretend
With all that my eyes can see
Lord forgive me...
I stabbed my heart

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sole reason...

When your heart 
is where your hope is
when in hope 
is where your heart is
Yet you are 
in a place of hopelessness 
where you lay in bed of tears 
and could not find reasons 
to believe 
Faith in God's purposes 
is the sole reason
to breathe...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Facing Hopelessness

Facing hopelessness 
is facing reality...
It may mean giving up
on the things that matters much
It may mean to accept things 
that are not meant to be...
as with things that are meant to be...
It doesn't mean giving in to defeat
But being brave to stand and believe 
that there are reasons and purposes
for everything...
Though things aren't going your way 
though to hope 
is what your heart wishes to be 
though to have hope 
is what you want to pray...
Facing hopelessness 
is facing truth and reality...