Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Peace That Surpasses All Understanding


No greater peace

we can ever find and have

But the peace that springs 

from the heart of God

Peace that surpasses 

all understanding…

©️Poetry for Peace🕊️

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A Crying Soul


A Crying Soul

Not a poet at all…

just putting in words

the bewailing of my soul

No fascinating verses or prose

just echoes of every teardrops 

mists of life’s blows…

I am no poet at all

Just a wretched heart

ravaged and consumed 

crying in unending rain

walking through my storms …

©️Manuelle Augustine, 2015

Saturday, February 27, 2016

If Only

If I could only touch the skies 
I would paint the colors of my rainbow
with all the hues of hope...
If I could only pluck 
the moon and the stars 
to light up my darkest nights
with all my might I would...
If I could only tell time 
to stay...
If only God 
will change my reality...

@Manuelle Augustine 2282016

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Path Less Trodden

I am treading on a path less trodden 
Along are riven hearts 
so worn in agony
crying for God's mercy...
With no more reason to move on
they keep on
they hold on
to that faith in their heart
in every step of the path 
that in the road less trodden 
God is molding hearts 
to greater faith
For His greater purpose...
And in the path less trodden 
God's mercy and grace 
is more than sufficient 
For He is keeping 
the broken hearts in His...


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Does God Heal?

How does God heal?
Would He come to heal me
as in His words He promised?
Would He send His miracle
like what He've done to the many?
Would He have mercy on me
and heal my heart...?
Would He surround me in His grace
As I have always believed...?
I know He will...


Sunday, December 6, 2015


Do you know them?
Do you really understand 
what they're going through?
Do you feel their pain?
Do you hear what they hear?
Do you see what they see?
Can you feel their agony?
You will never know
If you are not one...


Friday, November 20, 2015

He will get you through...

God has reasons...
Though in tears 
Though in pain 
just let it flow
because faithfully 
He will get you through
until we know and understand 
the reasons of the many why's...


Saturday, November 7, 2015

I Kneel...

Oh what amazing comfort it is 
to trust and believe the heart of God...
Oh what solitude to understand 
God can never be wrong...
In all my deepest pain
facing life's truths and realities
though in streaming tears
my heart is resting 
in trusting God's grace...

Oh God I will draw myself to you
I will cling in you...
When my sadness and pain 
is drowning me within...
when it's mist is pulling me in strain
and my heart starts to crumble again 
faced by the dagger of reality 
to you I come and kneel...


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I need you Lord...

I need you Lord...
my heart need your touch...
Heal my heart Lord...
you know I need it much...


Thursday, October 15, 2015

If God would...

They said 
Never stop asking God
Never give up 
on your hopes and dreams...
They just don't know
the truth that I am living in...
They just don't hear and see
my anguish 
to God I cried all nights all day...
If God would only give me 
one chance to ask  and pray...
I know needless for me to say...
He knew it all so well...
Everything...All the way...

     @ A Manu's 10152015

Friday, May 15, 2015

In the land of the living...


Oh God...
Please feel my grief 
      and heal my pain
You know my heart 
      is dying within
The sadness is consuming
      it is overwhelming
You know I'm tired
      you know the weight
that I've been bearing...
      I pray...
Please touch my heart
      please bless my soul 
with your peace and grace 
      in the land 
      of the living
Please allow me to live 
      a life that is 
      truly breathing
In hopelessness 
      please grant me hope
I pray Oh Lord...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sole reason...

When your heart 
is where your hope is
when in hope 
is where your heart is
Yet you are 
in a place of hopelessness 
where you lay in bed of tears 
and could not find reasons 
to believe 
Faith in God's purposes 
is the sole reason
to breathe...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Facing Hopelessness

Facing hopelessness 
is facing reality...
It may mean giving up
on the things that matters much
It may mean to accept things 
that are not meant to be...
as with things that are meant to be...
It doesn't mean giving in to defeat
But being brave to stand and believe 
that there are reasons and purposes
for everything...
Though things aren't going your way 
though to hope 
is what your heart wishes to be 
though to have hope 
is what you want to pray...
Facing hopelessness 
is facing truth and reality...

Saturday, April 25, 2015

A glimpse of light...

Hurts and pain
God may have allowed to happen 
and some too grievous to comprehend 
Though your heart can't find
the reasons
wait and see
For just in time 
He will make you know 
and understand 
why things had to be...
In your darkest 
a glimpse of light will shine...
walk through the light in faith
It shines even more 
as you advance closer
to believe...

Manuelle Augustine

I want to believe...

Oh how my heart 
wants to believe 
that God desires 
to grant my wishes
and wipe my tears away 
as He comfort me 
in His embrace...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

I wonder...

Father God
How do you see me?
What is my image to thee?

How do you look at me?
What am I to thee?

I wonder Oh God
what are your thoughts
about me...

      Manuelle Augustine 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Lord You Know...

You know in pain 
I surrender to you...
In deep sorrow 
I submit to your will...
What you have purposed 
I can not change ...
Though my soul 
is crying within
Lord you know 
I have faith in your will...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I know...

You know I am in so much pain
but I know 
you are making things right
in my life, in our lives...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Whenever my heart
starts to feel the mist of my pains 
and my whole being begins
to tremble again...
when my mind remembers
how things had been...
Lord to you I call...
In Jesus name...

Friday, January 30, 2015

Trust in the Lord Completely

Trust in the Lord 

Trust in His purposes and will...
It's always good and best...
In sweet surrender...
though in tears...
in bended knees...
in brokenness...

Trust that He delights in you 
trusting in Him...
Delight your heart also in Him...

In His perfect time 
He will lead you to His will...
When you completely trust in Him...
