Showing posts with label hopelessness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hopelessness. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2016

If Only

If I could only touch the skies 
I would paint the colors of my rainbow
with all the hues of hope...
If I could only pluck 
the moon and the stars 
to light up my darkest nights
with all my might I would...
If I could only tell time 
to stay...
If only God 
will change my reality...

@Manuelle Augustine 2282016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

In Hopelessness

What is hope
for the hopeless?
Where is hope
in hopelessness?
Hope is the most wonderful thing
a hoping heart can ever have...
Hoping in hopelessness 
is the painfullest agony
of a hopeless heart...


Sunday, December 6, 2015


Do you know them?
Do you really understand 
what they're going through?
Do you feel their pain?
Do you hear what they hear?
Do you see what they see?
Can you feel their agony?
You will never know
If you are not one...


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Though God

In our every today's 
the one we love
may not be with us...
They may not be there
in our every tomorrows...
But deep here in our hearts
they are always with us...

Though God did not will
that we belong in their life
that they belong in our life...
Have faith in His will 
for the reasons why...

The hopes and dreams
The life that we wished we have
The time gone by
that we can not bring back...
The thoughts and the memories 
in our hearts and mind 
may keep coming back...
Even then in these 
though in streaming tears
hold on and be comforted 
in trusting the heart of God...


Thursday, September 17, 2015

In hopelessness...

I have been of no hope
Yet believing in hope...
In my hopelessness
I rest my grieving soul 
in completely trusting 
the will and purposes of God...
Faithfully His grace
is seeing me through...


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Take heed...

Take heed...
stretches out His arms
His mercy and grace
giving Hope 
to the Hopeless...


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015

My Finality

🍂Faced with the  truths again 
I am trembling...
realizing again 
to hope is not for me...
like a cancer
the pangs of my reality
is taking me to my finality
is my destiny...
God knows why...
God knows everything...
It's not about giving up
there's nothing I can do
it's just what is given...
Miracles and gifts 
some people are blessed 
cruel it may seem 
sad that 
it's not what God
has purposed for me...🍂


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Believing in Hope

Yet in the world 
of hopelessness...

Though to hope 
is not for me...

My soul believes 
in Hope...

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cruel Me...

I stabbed my heart
Oh Lord you know the depth
you know the pain 
you know the agony
I could not pretend
With all that my eyes can see
Lord forgive me...
I stabbed my heart

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sole reason...

When your heart 
is where your hope is
when in hope 
is where your heart is
Yet you are 
in a place of hopelessness 
where you lay in bed of tears 
and could not find reasons 
to believe 
Faith in God's purposes 
is the sole reason
to breathe...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Facing Hopelessness

Facing hopelessness 
is facing reality...
It may mean giving up
on the things that matters much
It may mean to accept things 
that are not meant to be...
as with things that are meant to be...
It doesn't mean giving in to defeat
But being brave to stand and believe 
that there are reasons and purposes
for everything...
Though things aren't going your way 
though to hope 
is what your heart wishes to be 
though to have hope 
is what you want to pray...
Facing hopelessness 
is facing truth and reality...

Friday, March 27, 2015


How wonderful is the word Hope...
It brightens a way...
It opens a pathway to strive...
It gives life a meaning...
It invigorates a soul...

But there are things 
that Hope can never change...
They are called reality and truth
Which only acceptance and faith
for the will and purposes of God
is the only choice...

It is called hopelessness 
a bitter truth...

A hearts plea...

As you removed him 
  from my life...
   Please remove him
       from my heart...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015

like a dying candle...

Like a dying candle
waiting for the last
tiny blow of wind 
then it's gone...
I pray my hopelessness 
sadness and pain
shall be blown away 
with the wind...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Friday, January 2, 2015

wherever you're left out...

Loneliness will eat you out...
Sadness will drain your strength...
The thoughts of every detail of your pain
exhausts your sanity...
and no reason would ever fit ...
In all the void ... 
when there's nothing to hold
and believe ...
Look on God ...  
trust in what He is doing...
for He is moving...
and working things out for good
out from wherever you're left out..

In losing the one you love...

When you love someone so much...
with all your life 
with all of yourself 
and lose him... her...
in whatever way
You feel like...
pointing a gun on your chest 
to blow your heart in pieces
to it's deepest recesses...
to nothingness...

Through all these...
God knows...
He will never leave you
where you are...
He will summon the universe 
to move and come to your refuge...
to make your heart know and understand 
that there are reasons why things 
has to happen...
In His marvelous way
His grace will sustain you through 
and heal you ...
You only have to trust in Him...

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Look up ...

Through all the frustrations
rejections and betrayal...
Through all the unfairnes of things...
With the many why's...
With all the heaviness...
Look up ...
know and remember 
that behind the clouds
is the never fading blue skies...
Be comforted 
with the universe's declaration 
that God is ever behind 
all the clouds and storms 
in our lives...